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You Are the Most Magical Ingredient

Updated: May 2

Have you ever found yourself trying to manifest an intention and have it fail? Yup. We all have! You can have the perfect setup - you burn the right herbs, craft the perfect intention statement, and lit the most amazing candle - but nothing happens… Why? 

I have many theories, but would like to focus on the two most common possibilities in my experience. 


The time isn’t right, yet. Intention work requires patience. Sometimes it takes days, weeks, months and even years to manifest your vision. Just keep at it and don’t give up! One intention I set was for my dream job. I had listed the environment, type of people and salary I wanted. The goal manifested in pieces over a three year period. During that time, I kept regularly coming back to restate that intention until it finally happened and then some! Within two years of manifesting my goal, I actually exceeded my salary vision by 25%! When you feel like everything is right and your intention setting is all good, then remember to practice patience. Keep at it and remember that the universe will offer you what you need at the right time. 


You may have unconscious self-sabotaging belief(s) operating in the background. The belief could come from society, our family or friends, or from ourselves, but somewhere along your life path, you picked it up and haven’t yet set it down. Do not forget that the most important ingredient in intention setting is you. If you are in any way out of alignment with your stated intention, then your intention cannot manifest.  Its like trying to light a match in a wind storm. Calm your wind

storm first, so that you can then light the match. 

You are a dynamic, complex, powerful, and brilliant individual. You have a past (in this life and others), hopes and fears, habitual tendencies, and adopted beliefs about how the world works. All these factors can either assist or sabotage your intention work. By truly knowing yourself completely, both the light and shadow, you can learn to work around and through the obstacles you place in your own path. 

So if your intention setting fails, that’s great! These sticky or stuck points are the neon flashing lights to show you where you should be working. If you are uncomfortable or resistant t

o exploring something about yourself, this is usually an indicator that there’s something just below the surface that needs resolution. I would encourage you to go deeper to get to the root of the issue. Unfortunately, lighting all the Abundance candles in the world won’t work if behind the scenes we view the world and our place in it from a poverty mindset. 

Getting to the root of any habitual pattern takes lots of patience and self-compassion. Working with a therapist or trusted guide can help provide the support needed to yield beneficial results. Keep in mind that the road of discovery is your intuition.  

The Power of Meditation:

Intention work is an intuitive practice. Since the intuition resides in the present moment, we must practice being in the present moment to learn how to get out of our own way. Through a short, daily practice of shamatha meditation (designed to train you by touching back into the present moment) you can get to know yourself through your thoughts and uncover your hopes, fears, habits, and beliefs that may be preventing you from living your dreams.

Meditation, along with additional personal explorations like writing, drawing, music, therapy, or walks in nature, can help provide you with the space to learn about all the hidden nooks and crannies in your psyche. When you can see your blind spots clearly, they hold little or no power over you. Once your beliefs no longer limit or sabotage you, then your intentions can have the space to manifest!

Simple Meditation Instruction:

Posture: Sit comfortably, but upright on the floor, chair or cushion. For this practice, you need to be comfortable. It is best not to lie down because if you are too relaxed, then you may start drifting off. 

Space: Try to have a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. Nothing is perfect, so just do your best. 

Gaze: Using a soft gaze, rest your eyes about 6-ish feet in front of you. Make sure you aren’t focusing your eyes on an object, but that your vision is wide - taking in the peripheral space. 

Breath: Breathe normally. 

Mind: Lightly place your attention on the breath. When your mind wanders, bring your attention back to the breath. Its kind of like driving. Keeping the mind on the breath is like keeping the car on the road. The car is the mind. The road is the breath. We drive the car to follow the road. If the car starts to drift to the side of the road, we gently turn the car to get back to the center of our lane. Be aware of what arises in your mind, but don’t dwell on it. Just come back to the breath. 

Meditation creates space in the mind. Over time, you will learn so much about yourself when your mind has the space to show you what you need to see.

Happy Manifesting! 

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